Alex Diego i njegova obitelj (djevojka i dvoje male djece, brat i sestra od djevojke ) su nedavno morali izaći iz stana jer nisu imali dovoljno za život ,režije i stan .

Trenutno se nalaze u Slavoniji ( kod porodice od djevojke )kojoj i samoj nije lako i svašta preživljava .Tu mogu biti u smještaju do 27.7 gdje se trenutno nalaze jer je vlasnik stana tako dopustio da mogu biti u posjeti .

Cilj je skupiti 2500 eura kako bi imali_e za put u Zagreb, te za polog, stan, režije i hranu i da bi odahnuli_e barem malo i mentalno i fizički dok ne srede zdravstvene probleme i mogu početi raditi .

Od ciljanog iznosa kako nam je rečeno kroz ovu platformu ide 10 % ili više samoj platformi.(nažalost to nemozemo znati točno koliko se skida, jer ovisi o vašim donacijama ). Kada donirate same_i birate koliko ide platformi, a koliko prikupljanju za Alex Diega. Radi toga smo digle_i iznos kako bi dobile_i iznos koji treba, kada se skine za platformu taj postotak.

Ako se ne prikupi točnih 100% , neće biti niša isplaćeno , a vaše donacije se ne skidaju sa računa.

Razlog povratka u Zagreb je radi medicinske njege , primanje hormonalne terapije i bolje prilike za poslom i životom jer je Zagreb ipak centar i drugačije je nego u Slavoniji.

Naime,ako ne prikupe za stanarinu i ostale trenutne potrebe ...

Naći će se već drugi put u par dana pred situacijom da mogu završiti na cesti.

Sve to je užasno stresno kada nemaš osnovne stvari za živjeti i kad ovisiš o drugima . Kada se stalno susrećes sa diskriminacijom , ne razumjevanjem, transfobijom, rasizmom i osudama.

Navedeni problemi su duboko usadeni u sustav .

Osim svega toga nedavno su ih zatekli i neopravdani otkazi i neisplaćene plaće do kraja, more ih i zdravstveni problemi, paradentoza i bronhitis.

Uz to je nedavno bio i smrtan slučaj u obitelji.

Ova priča ima puno nepravednih dogadaja.

I iskreno uz sve to utječe i na njihova mentalna zdravlja, a kako nebi.

Za bolje razumijevanje pojasnila bi neke stvari.

Alexu je račun zamrznut pa bi sve donacije išle preko mojeg računa.

Nastja Kljaić.

Naravno ako imate povjerenja.

Mozda je nezgodno, ali to je trenutno najbolje uz sve sto se događa da smo smislile_i

Nadam se da ćete imati povjerenja pa da zajedno pokušamo pomoći .

Ako se prikupi višak novca od traženog iznosa, sve ide Alex Diego i njegovoj obitelji.

Više o priči Alexa Diega možete doznati putem ova dva članka:



Anamarija Amilica Levak i ja Nastja Kljaić smo uspjele skupiti kroz objave i aukciju koju je Amilica napravila , nešto novaca , ali to im je bilo dovoljno za put u Slavoniju jer nismo uspjele_li skupiti dovoljno za stanarinu, a već su morale_li van stana ..

Hvala svima koje_i su nam donirali_le novce tom prlikom.<3

Znamo da se sve_i trudimo koliko mozemo <3

Svi smo se bar jednom našle_i sa ne planiranim troškovima, otkazima , ne izvedivim troškovima, egzistencijama . Sami_e znamo kako je sve to stresno, a još uz to susretanje sa osudama, rasizmom, diskriminacijom, transfobijom ...

Jedan dio teksta je pisan od strane Amilice ,tekst je na jako ljepi i razumljivi način napisan kakva je situacija .<3 Dok sam ja dodavala tekst i možda napravila dosta gramatičkih greški i isprike unaprijed za greške negdje sam izmedu umora i jave, a situacija je hitna , pa hvala za razumjevanjem<3

Ako imate povjerenja, vježbate solidarnost i nije vam bed odvojiti koji euro da ova obitelj bar nakratko odahne ne bi li prikupila snage za suočavanje sa izazovima, na žalost, nekima i vrlo specifičnima po pitanju diskriminacije.

Hvala na čitanju, proširite glas i marimo skupa koliko god možemo.


Anamarija Amilica Levak i Nastja Kljaić


Alex Diego and his family (girlfriend and two small children, brother and sister from the girlfriend) recently had to leave the apartment because they did not have enough money for living, utilities and an apartment.

They are currently in Slavonia (with the girl's family) and the situation is such that even fore the family of Alex's girlfriend is not easy. Alex Diego and girlfriend family itself survives all kinds of situations. Where they are now with the family, they can stay in accommodation until July 27, where they are currently because the owner of the apartment has allowed them to visit only for a few days.

The goal is to collect 2,500 euros in order to have enough for the trip to Zagreb, as well as for a deposit, apartment, utilities and food, and to give them at least a little mental and physical rest until they solve their health problems and can start working.

From the target amount, as we were told through this platform, 10% or more goes to the platform itself (unfortunately, we cannot know exactly how much percent because it depends on your donations). When you donate, you choose how much goes to the platform and how much goes to collecting for Alex Diego. For this reason, we raised the amount in order to get the amount they need, when that percentage is taken off for the platform.

If the exact 100% is not collected, your donations will not be taken from your account.

The reason for returning to Zagreb is for medical care, receiving hormonal therapy and better opportunities for work and life, because Zagreb is still the center and it is different than in Slavonia.

Namely, if they don't collect for the rent and other current needs...

They will be in the situation for the second time in a couple of days where they can end up on the street.

All this is terribly stressful when you don't have basic things to live on and when you depend on others. When you constantly facing discrimination, misunderstanding, transphobia and racism.

The mentioned problems are deeply embedded in the system.

In addition to all that, they have recently been hit with unjustified dismissals and unpaid salaries until the end, they are also plagued by health problems, periodontal disease and bronchitis.

In addition, there was a recent death in the family.

This story has a lot of unfair events.

And frankly, in addition to all that, it also affects their mental health.

For a better understanding, I would clarify some things.

Alex's account is frozen, so all donations would go through my account; Nastja Kljaić.

Maybe it's inconvenient, but it's the best thing right now with everything that's going on that we came up with

I hope that you will have confidence so that we can try to help together.

if we collect more money than requested amount, it all goes to Alex Diego and his family.

You can find out more about Alex Diego's story through these two articles:



Anamarija Amilica Levak and me Nastja Kljaić, managed to collect some money through the announcements and the auction that Amilica made, but it was enough for them to travel to Slavonia because we did not manage to collect enough for the rent, and they already had to leave the apartment..

Thank you to everyone fore donated money to us that way.<3

We know that we all try as hard as we can <3

All of us at least once found ourselves with unplanned expenses, cancellations, unfeasible expenses. We ourselves know how stressful it is, and on top of that, Alex Diego has to face racism, discrimination, transphobia...

One part of the text was written by Amilica, the text is written in a very nice and comprehensible way, what is the situation. While I was adding the text and may have made a lot of grammatical mistakes and apologies in advance for the mistakes, I am somewhere between tired and awake, and the situation is urgent, so thank you for understanding <3

If you have trust, you practice solidarity and you don't mind setting aside a few euros so that this family can at least have a short break to gather the strength to face the challenges, unfortunately, some of them are very specific in terms of discrimination.

Thanks for reading, spread the word and let's care together as much as we can.

Anamarija Amilica Levak and Nastja Kljaić.

11% of €2500

€ 293 reached in total

-443 days left